Le village by CA Finistère

Established businesses

Because each company is specific, we adapt our know-how and our offers to the size of your company to your challenges and your internal capacities.

Your company is unique !

We tailor our know-how and our services to the specific needs of your company. We identify tangible solutions specifically for your company, to ensure rapid results.

Our support

Depending on your degree of autonomy and availability

Anticipating trends in innovation
Sparking your executive team’s interest and curiosity in order to propel a given effort
Making your teams autonomous and flexible enough to develop innovative projects
Helping find a better solution
Ensuring the solution’s integration to your organization within optimal delays

Face the great changes in your market by becoming an innovative and locally based company !

Business, develop your competitive edge through innovation

The success of innovative projects resides in consensus between pure creativity sourced from usage, and the realities of the market, company capacities and viability requirements. Indeed, these evolutions require an iterative cycle and the application of various skills.

The Village by CA Finistère will assist you in your innovation projects in order to rethink your strategy and transform your company into a flexible and high-performance organization. To do so, we stimulate your teams (from executive boards to collaborators) to encourage the creation of new ideas. Our expert consultants can also help you optimize your internal processes.

A true facilitator, the Village by CA Finistère views innovation as the motor of all new outlooks on growth for the region’s businesses. As a result, we can support you in steering innovative projects or in designing project calls with the goal of conquering new markets.
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