Six2Nine September 17th – Passion for my Business, Passion for my Life

Passion for my Business, Passion for my Life 

How to strengthen the synergy between professional and personal life as an entrepreneur, how to regulate both aspects, by transposing the strong mobilization felt for his company towards his personal life …

Florence Lautrédou share her experiences and discuss how to understand and implement this positive flow. A conference and a debate that look very rich. Florence is a psychoanalyst, coach and speaker. Originally from Finistère, she has a bicultural experience: the normative one of her place of attachment, Paris; Ecole Normale Supérieure of the Rue d’Ulm, Aggregation of Modern Letters, the other, non-rational and nomadic, of its Celtic roots. Very soon slasheuse, she worked as an expert seconded by the French government to the European Commission, then she joined the management consulting at an Anglo-Saxon leader of the sector where she worked as a Partner on missions of human resources and coaching, in Europe and Russia.

She has also published a dozen novels and essays on women’s management, inspiration and love. In June 2003, she created her company, FHL Consultants, specialized in coaching, team building and conferences. She regularly works in the French media (radio, press, television) and has created the show “The Council of coach” for Les Echos.

With testimonials from :

David Marhadour – CEO of CALOPOR (Start-up accelerated by Le Village by CA Finistère)

Anne Delaplace – CEO of ARREMAD

Jo Dréau – CEO of KERHIS (Partner of Le Village by CA Finistère)


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